HamedHamed Rahmani

Graduate Research Assistant                 Electrical Engineering Department       Rice University

832- 904 8285                                         Rahmani@rice.edu                                 Office: DCH 3033



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 Greetings from Houston, Texas!

My name is Hamed Rahmani and I am a Ph.D. student in the Electrical engineering department of Rice University. I am a member of Rice Integrated Circuits and Systems (RISC) laboratory working with Dr. Aydin Babakhani.
I am mostly interested in ultra-low power Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFICs) design and energy harvesting circuits for biomedical applications and sensor networks. My research focuses on an energy harvesting wireless neural recording and stimulation system. (Rice News)

I completed my bachelor studies at the Sharif University of Technology and graduated with a BS.c. degree (with honors) in Electrical Engineering. I received Rice University graduate fellowship and Texas Instruments Distinguished fellowship in 2014 and joined Electrical Engineering department of Rice University to start my graduate studies.

You can find my contact information here and know more about my research and academic background.

Recent News:

August 2017:  I will join Electrical Engineering Department of UCLA in January 2018 as a graduate student.

June 2017 – I presented our accepted paper in International Microwave Symposium  (IMS)  2017Honolulu, Hawaii USA.

April 2017 –  I defended my MS thesis! Check it out:

Integrated Electromagnetic Wireless Power Harvesting System for mm-size Biomedical Implants 

January 2017 – Our paper, “A Wireless Power Receiver with an On-chip Antenna for Millimeter-size Biomedical Implants in 180 nm SOI CMOS”, has been accepted for Lecture presentation at the 2017 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii USA.

November 2016 – I won the Audience Choice Award in SCREECH 2016! 

November 2016 – I presented our accepted paper in IEEE Sensors 2016, Orlando, FL.

August 2016 – Our paper, “A Fully Integrated Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Circuit with an on-Chip Antenna for Biomedical Implants in 180 nm SOI CMOS“, has been accepted for Lecture presentation at the 2016 IEEESENSORS, to be held in Orlando, Florida USA.